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The European freight exchange
Freight exchange
CargoNet freight exchange services for cargo forwarders and Carriers
Freight exchange is a place on the server, where carriers and cargo forwarders are dailly exchanging loads and empty trucks.
Freight exchange FE" at CT* is CargoNet, where it is possible to offer and to search domestic loads as well as international loads by transport by road. Also TransNet could be considered a freight exchange, because in some circumstances, it is also possible to publish loads, but for better understanding between one and the other services and because TransNet is used only to search empty trucks and is not used tosearch loads, so at CT we decided that the FE" is only CN"".
TransNet is considered to be transport or Vehicle exchange. At CN carriers can offer empty vehicles, trucks, look for loads, publish loads, can subscribe to loads by e-mail, and to search new business at shippers and cargo forwarders by countries of interests (™). As well they have an option to use members directory.
CN services can be also used by forwarders, for same or equal daily operations. It is also possible to use both services at the same time.
Comments: CT (*): Abbreviation for CargoTrans bid(**): An offer or proposal of a price FE("): Freight exchange CN(""): CargoNet
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